The Sounds
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The Clips
The quality of these clips is not brilliant.Good quality equals
large files which need a lot of band width. The quality is only that of Radio Luxembourg
listened to under the bed covers!! Where I've given two clips I've tried not to make
repeats in the clips, the short clip is not included in the longer one.That's it - I hope
you enjoy the clips and feel they were worth it.
A quick warning about thae volume - 'Territory' and 'Little Ladies' are much louder - I
will sort it out eventually but in the meantime - turn your volume down or RRRRock !!
THE ROCK FOLLIES - ' Everybody want's to sing in the Rock Follies' - the Theme tune for the series.The short clip is of the first music heard when the series opened
short clip longer clip
27sec\57Kb 1min 30sec\184Kb
Blueberry Hill - given the Little Ladies treatment.
1min 30secs\186Kb
Little Ladies - their 'theme song' but strangely never released on album or single. All three Little Ladies have a chance to sing solo on this one.
THE ROAD - 'But it's worth it to feel, all that energy rise,and you keep on reliving those incredible highs, on the road.'
short clip longer clip
36sec\75Kb 1min 21sec\166Kb
FOLLIES of '77 - "Welcome to the Follies, of '77, do you get the feeling we have only changed the name?"
short clip longer clip
42secs\86Kb 1min 40secs\200Kb
THE BAND WHO WOULDN'T DIE - "And we never gave up dreaming 'cause we're the band who wouldn't die"
short clip longer clip
14secs\31Kb 1min 2 sec\126Kb
From Episode 5 of Rock Follies of '77 - The Divorce. As Anna's paranoia grows she and The Angel face Dee, Q and Rox in a final shoot-out over 'territory' in one of Rock Follies many fantasy scenes.
Volume warning!!
2min 53sec/357Kb
ROLL YOUR OWN - Sung by Dee (Julie Covington) and Rox (Sue Jones Davies). An impromptu jam during a gig with Rox and Rawls.
No short clip this time - just the full thing.
In My Cans - Our three ladies struggle with their 'cans' whilst recording their first record.
2mins 51sec\351Kb
Rock Follies Albums now released on CD
To purchase from
click on the CD picture.
Buy copies signed by Andy MacKay from
Expression RecordsThat's all for now - hope you enjoyed them.
More will be added as time allows.