They grip your hands
And they grope your thighs
And they swallow you up
With their hungry eyes
But you keep on having these
    incredible highs
On the road

You share a room
In some damp rot digs
And the bass guitar
Steals all your cigs
And the water's cold so
    you stink like pigs
But you keep on having these
    incredible gigs
On the road

'Cause when you sing
There's a buzz
Shakes the nicotine in your chest
And your head
Never was
Ever pierced with that fierce kind of
Weird kind of zest
Makes your blood
Really jump
And the mad adrenaline pump
And you rattle
And you roll
And you shimmy
And you slide
And you find
Every cell
Is Electrified

So you pay your dues
In the grotty pubs
And you try to ignore
All the body rubs
From the fat MCs in the bingo clubs
But it's worth it to feel
All that energy rise
And you keep on reliving those
    incredible highs
On the road


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